Have you been considering creating a virtual tour for your business but are unsure if you need one? You may have seen other businesses with virtual tours but do not understand how they help? In an ever-increasing digital world, it’s essential to connect your business to as many digital opportunities as possible to take advantage of them. Today we are going to explore the top 10 signs you need a virtual tour for your business.

10 Signs You Need A Virtual Tour For Your Business

10 Signs You Need A Virtual Tour For Your Business

1. You are about to launch your business

If your business is brand new with a brick and mortar location, you want people to see, explore and experience your business as soon as possible. One of the best ways to take your business to the next level is to create a virtual tour for your business. Creating a virtual tour with integrated branding will show people where you are located, what your business is all about and what you offer. It will also help you with SEO and Google Street View map ranking.

2. Your business is in a new geographical location / second store

You may be moving the location of your business and need to set up a new online presence for the new location. While your services may not have changed, your physical location has. Show people in your new area what you are all about with a high-end virtual tour and establish a strong digital presence. Additionally, let people know where you are now located while they search online on Google Maps.

3. Want to rank higher in Google Map and SEO

It’s no secret that a Google Street View Tour will help you establish a strong presence in Google Maps. But did you know that a virtual tour can significantly help your business with SEO and ranking? There are over 200 factors that help a website rank on Google, and a virtual tour can help with some of the most significant indicators. Check out our blog on how virtual tours help with SEO ranking.

4. Staying ahead of the competition

Every business needs to stay afloat, and one way to do that is to stay one step ahead of the competition. A virtual tour is a multi-faceted tool that can work independently, create new experiences for customers, and work alongside your existing mediums. Check out our blog on how to promote and market your virtual tour, which goes quite in-depth on how to get the best exposure for your virtual tour.

5. Your business is running a promotion

If your business is running a promotion, exposure campaign or something out of the ordinary, then a virtual tour may be the tool you need to give it that extra edge. As a virtual tour is a unique medium that lets you physically explore space and experience things firsthand, there are some unique advantages. These can be utilised alongside your traditional marketing medium or independently. We created a case study of a virtual tour marketing campaign called Sydney Australia Down Under to showcase how it can work, including our results.

Double click in the virtual tour to make it go fullscreen, or click here

6. You have had a major rebrand

If you have recently had a major redesign or rebrand, it is crucial that you update your existing virtual tour or create a new one. Companies go through rebrands every so often. If you have an existing tour but branding guidelines/logo have changed, a virtual tour UI overhaul may be required. Additionally, with many rebrands, a companies service/offerings may change. Therefore, it would be a great time to potentially shoot/reshoot your existing location to be as modern as possible.

7. You are participating in a trade show/expo

The best offline use for a virtual tour is presenting at a trade show/expo. One of the hardest things for any brick and mortar business to showcase at an expo is their physical space. You are literally trying to showcase your place in another place. Expos are a great way to get new customers but hard to truly showcase your venue/location. A virtual tour can easily bridge that gap in more than one way. Our project lead Stephanie works with many venue spaces, and she works with them to bring their space into the digital realm. Through a combination of touchscreen devices and even VR headsets, you can show people what your space is like when they are someplace else.

8. You are time poor with meetings and want to confirm more sales

When you meet with a person, one or both of you have to go location to meet. While this is the traditional way of doing things is very time-consuming. Alternatively, you can use Zoom, Skype, Google Meet and so on for a virtual meeting. However, while you can see and hear each other with this method, you can’t explore the space together.

At Simply 360, we can combine the best of both worlds with a Live Guided Virtual Tour. Imagine meeting with your client online but showing them your space and curating their experience as though you are in front of them in person. If you are time-poor and want to meet with people without leaving your office/chair, you can easily add multiple meetings per day with this technology. Check out the video below showcasing this exciting new technology.

9. Safety is a priority

A virtual tour is an ideal solution in a world where people’s health and safety are prioritised. Many of our clients have services designed for people of all ages, including immunocompromised and older people. An example is Vasey who has aged care and assisted living facilities.  People want to explore their residences in person. Due to mobility or in a world where is an ongoing pandemic, they can explore these locations from the safety of their own home. Potential customers can cut down their travel time and help make decisions faster regarding your offerings.

10. Your business is hard to find

One common issue that clients have is that, in some cases, their business is hard to find. A tour can be designed to help show where you are located and how to find you. Take the tour below as an example. Explore and Develop Alexandria had an issue where parents who have never been to their location found it hard to find. We took that issue away by automating the experience from the driveway to inside their front door. If your business is hard to find then you may need a virtual tour to help people find your business location.

Double click in the virtual tour to make it go fullscreen, or click here

There are a lot more reasons you may need a virtual tour

These are just our top 10 reasons why your business may need a virtual tour, but there are many more. Your business is unique, and we can create a custom-designed virtual tour to suit your company/brand/organisation’s needs. So give us a call or fill out the form on this page to find out more information. One of our friendly team members will help showcase how a virtual tour can best suit your needs.

Do you currently have a virtual tour for your business/organisation or do you need a virtual tour? Are there any other reasons why you would need a virtual tour for your business that we did not mention? Join the discussion today and comment down below :)